Thursday 29 December 2011

What Have You Done To Solange? (1972)

Dir: Massimo Dallamano

Fabio Testi plays an Italian gym teacher working at an all-girl private school in London and he's having it away with one of the pupils (which it's tough to judge him for when said pupil is played by Cristina Galbo). This idyllic situation turns bad when they're out necking in the woods one day and she accidentally witnesses a brutal murder by a black-gloved killer. D'oh. The mystery solving that follows is above average giallo stuff and holds together well while managing to squeeze in as many sleaze/exploitation touchstones as possible. There's almost wall-to-wall nudity, a crackin' Morricone soundtrack, some pretty nasty stabbings and a haunting turn by Camille Keaton as the title character. It's held together with skill by Dallamano, who's got to be one of the most underrated directors of his era. Although it's pure pulp, one always gets the feeling he's striving for something deeper and Solanage is a strong effort and one of the better gialli out there. ***

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