Friday 10 February 2012

The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh (1971)

Dir: Sergio Martino

Edwige Fenech plays the curiously-spelled title character in this lively giallo from Sergio Martino. She lives a quiet enough life in Vienna - married to an ambassador and everything! - but beneath the upper-class veneer, she's embroiled in a bizarre love square involving a sadomasochistic ex-lover and a mysterious handsome stranger named George (played, appropriately, by George Hilton). This steamy melodrama plot eventually, crosses its streams with another about a razor-toting pervert who's running around in trademark black leather gloves slicing up women, and the result is a satisfyingly watchable cocktail of sex and violence. The mystery here is a decent one too, although arguably there's one twist too many. If it'd ended about 5 minutes earlier than it does, it would've probably been the best giallo ending ever. I should probably say something like "Fenech sizzles as always" but you know this already, don't you? ***

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