Friday, 10 February 2012

Torso (1973)

Dir: Sergio Martino

I guess it's a giallo but "Torso" feels more like a proto-slasher, as a slow-moving masked killer picks his way through a group of nubile students at some kind of art college in sunny Perugia. There are a billion pervert red herrings to choose from and plenty of naked girls to distract you from thinking too hard about the killer's identity until the end. "Torso" is clearly some years ahead of its time - its influence and innovation can't be denied - and it's mostly well-directed (bar one massive goof with a mirror) but it hasn't aged that well. There's plenty of bargain basement gore and nudity (I mourn that Tina Aumont remains tragically clothed throughout) and the scenery is great but the plot's just too thin (and the killer's motive too tiresome) to drive it any further. Also the final fight sequence is so hilariously choreographed (director's instructions could've been "flail camply then fall over!") that it takes the sting out somewhat. **

1 comment:

smogo said...

I thought much the same when I saw it last year: